No matter what, in every situation of life there is always someone who see the glass half empty, and someone else who sees it half full.
Here at Vivivaldy we are the optimistic kind, and we like to help people see the glass half full, even when it is not that easy, just like in the present pandemic crisis.
The collaboration with our friends at Protostream was born out of an awfully specific need: shorten latency times while carrying audio signals along the Net (and help rationalize all connected devices).
Ever since lockdown and social restrictions have become a widespread tool for controlling the pandemic, the demand for “remotization” of live events and fast and glitchless transport of audio/video signals is growing rapidly.
Protostream also saw a significant increase in requests in this regard.
Active in the fields of live audio transfer, audio design, remote mixing, remote communications as well as in the organization and broadcasting of virtual and hybrid events (i.e.: all those events made up by a mix of “in presence” and “remote” execution), Protostream was able to significantly enhance its services thanks to Vivivaldy solution which, as Aram Richard, one of its two founders says, “does its magic very well”.
Vivivaldy has indeed made it possible for Protostream to carry audio signals along the line with negligible latency and no data loss even over considerable distances.
The icing on the cake: now all Protostream devices are centrally managed thanks to Vivivaldy Dante Domain Server, which makes performance monitoring extremely easy.
So now Aram and Alex Gray (Protostream’s other founder) look to the future with optimism, despite everything, yet: precisely by virtue of what they learned during the lockdown period and the new opportunities they saw opening up.
“When all this is over, I don’t think we’ll get back to our old life: I think we’ll move on. We have found new, better ways of doing things that used to be extremely expensive to do” Aram says, “Now, thanks to our services and the integration with Vivivaldy, we can offer solutions that were once available to broadcasters only and, moreover, at extremely competitive prices. Our customers themselves are benefitting greatly from this opportunity. Just think about event organizers: thanks to hybrid events, they can now sell many more tickets and involve people in different cities and continents at the same time. Participants, on the other hand, can benefit from much cheaper tickets and save travel costs“.
And that is not all. The application scenarios for this technology are virtually endless, so much so that Aram and Alex are already thinking of applying their solution to musical live show as well. Such an experiment has already been tried in cinemas, but the event had to be inevitably deferred. In this case, conversely, you could give the emotion of a live broadcast simultaneously with the performance at the real venue and broadcast it to any computer connected to the Internet.